December 2011

December 2011

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Science {REAL Science Odyssey}

When we started homeschooling our kids this past fall I really wanted to just focus on the basics, reading, writing and math. I feel like we have a good rhythm going now and feel now is the time to start adding more subjects to our curriculum.
I have been reading reviews and blogs and feel like I have come across a great science curriculum that will work for us. R.E.A.L Science Odyssey. It's a hands on approach to science and the nice thing is they supply a few free sample lessons to try before you decide to buy.
We have done a few lessons now and the boys love it!

Our Plant Cell {edible} Lab:

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a lot of fun! I had to laugh cause it was exactly this lesson in the sample pack that made me gag reading it... as it made me look at an egg as an actual *gasp* CELL!! What? I'm eating a nucleus? A cell membrane?? I was aghast. Almost as aghast as when, in grade 12, I first had the realization that eggs were chicken abortions.
